Tecartherapy, also known as Tecar (Resistive Capacitive Energy Transfer or Resistive Capacitive Therapy), is probably the best known of physiotherapy electromedical treatments. Through the application of electromagnetic waves, this treatment aims to reduce inflammation so that it can act first on pain by increasing the microcirculation of blood vessels, their vasodilation, and also promoting an increase in internal temperature. Given its beneficial effects, it is also used for physio-aesthetic treatments including the Human Tecar muscle relaxant facial (30- or 60-minute treatments).
The human tecar muscle relaxant facial treatment (60 minutes) is a treatment designed and engineered to give facial skin new elasticity and tone through the Reoxygenation of tissues and elimination of toxins. To ensure a complete experience of relaxation and well-being, the physical therapist, before starting the Human Tecar muscle relaxant facial treatment, uses natural essences to prepare the tissues throughout the body to welcome the treatment.
This treatment has both aesthetic purposes in that tissue toning allows gradual improvement of facial wrinkles, nasolabial lines, dark circles and expression lines but is also used as a post-surgery treatment to promote drainage of the operated area of the face.
Human Tecar muscle relaxant facial treatment (60 minutes) is also used to treat sinusitis, temporomandibular joint problems or headaches.
The treatment cannot be given during pregnancy or if a pacemaker wearer.